School Boards, Candidates and Campaigns
School Boards
Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) established the Built to Serve campaign to encourage effective and representative school boards that meet the challenges of the diverse districts they represent. Here you will find up-to-date information about:
What does a board member do?
What is a school board?
What do school boards do?
Why serve on a school board?
What are the characteristics of successful board members?
Plus more resources, FAQs, and Testimonials.
School Board Candidates
Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) Built to Serve campaign provides information on:
Becoming a candidate:
How do I prepare to serve on my school board?
Recruiting Candidates:
Why veteran leaders should engage
Essential qualities in a school board candidate
Suggestions for seeking and encouraging candidates
What to say to potential candidates
Responding to typical concerns
Information to share with potential candidates
Questions for interviews and conversations
CASB Connections Podcast Series: School Board Candidate
Colorado Secretary of State’s Office provides:
School Board Campaigns
Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) provides election information within the Built to Serve Campaign to include:
Nomination procedures
Campaign filing requirements
Code of Ethics for board members
Colorado Secretary of State’s Office provides:
Best Campaign Finance Information Sheet for Nov. 2023 you can download and print.
Online campaign finance disclosure website, TRACER.
Guidance on Disclaimer Statements
Broadcast Communications: FCC Regulations
What is Policy Governance?
Many superintendents and Board Members reference “policy governance” when they talk about what school boards and superintendents can and cannot do. For many of us, this is a new term. It is sometimes referred to as the “Carver Model,” named for Dr. John Carver.
Policy Governance is a model that “enables the board to focus on the larger issues, to delegate with clarity, to control management's job without meddling, to rigorously evaluate the accomplishment of the organization; to truly lead its organization” (Source:
What are the rules for running School Board Meetings?
Each district should have policies in place that cover how meetings are run, communicated, and documented. The first place to look is on your district’s website using search terms like “board meetings” or “meeting policies.” An email or call to the administrative offices may also put you in contact with someone who can point you in the right direction. Familiarity with Roberts Rules of Order is generally expected.
What do Sunshine Laws have to do with School Board Meetings?
Sunshine Laws seem to come up in a lot of discussions about school board conflicts. We recommend reviewing this toolkit from some experts: The Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition and the Colorado Press Association.