Political Ideologies in K-12  Education

It’s Complicated.

Politics and public education is a complicated tapestry of interrelated issues, competing values and difficult-to-connect relationships among individuals and organizations. The organizations include for-profit corporations, both public and private, as well as non-profits, both 501(c)(3) and (4), and all variations of transparent and dark money financing. As we identify resources, we will share them here.

Coming soon…

  • GOP Education Platform

  • Democratic Education Platform

  • Colorado Legislature’s Education Committees

  • What is DFER? (Democrats for Education Reform)

  • No Child Left Behind and other Federal Legislation

  • School Choice, Charters, Public Education, and CO Politicians

Donor Class Perspectives

  • How the Donor Class Distorts American (Political) Parties, Hosted by the Niskanen Center. Listen to the interview or read the transcript.

  • What Elite Donors Want, by Theodore Kinni, Stanford University, October 14, 2020

  • In America; The Donor Class, by Rob Herbert, New York Times, July 19, 1998

  • Who Funds What? “Only a tiny fraction of Americans actually give campaign contributions to political candidates, parties or PACs. The ones who give contributions large enough to be itemized (over $200) is even smaller. The impact of those donations, however, is huge. Read more about the impact of mega-donors in More Money, Less Transparency: A Decade Under Citizen's United.” https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/donor-demographics

  • The Patriotic Millionaires share a profound concern about the destabilizing level of economic and political inequality in America, the root cause of our current social unrest. We seek to reform our country’s political economy so that it naturally generates greater economic and political equality, the preconditions for a stable, prosperous nation. We center our work on three “First Principles”: Equal Political Representation, a Livable Minimum Wage, and a Fair Tax system. The group first came together in 2010 to demand an end to the Bush tax cuts for millionaires, instantly sparking the public’s attention. The group is chaired by Morris Pearl, a former Blackrock executive who retired after a long career on Wall Street to work with the Patriotic Millionaires full-time.