To say that religion in politics, in schools, is a new thing is absolutely not true.
— Dr. Melissa Deckman, CEO, Public Religion Research Institute

Christian Nationalism

Questions answered on this page:

  • What is Christian Nationalism or a “Christian Nationalist?”

  • Are all Christians “nationalists?” What’s unique about Christian Nationalists?

  • Where can I go to learn more about Christian Nationalism?

Christian Nationalism 101

  • Christianity Today presents this definition: “Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. Popularly, Christian nationalists assert that America is and must remain a “Christian nation”—not merely as an observation about American history, but as a prescriptive program for what America must continue to be in the future.” We recommend reading this short article in Christianity Today for a simple, clear overview of Christian Nationalism: What is Christian Nationalism” by Paul D. Miller, February 2, 2021

  • Christians Against Christian Nationalism describes the movement as advocating for the fusion of religious and civic identity. On their website, you can find various resources, such as an Infographic that clearly explains what Christian Nationalism is, as well as a public statement that individuals can sign on their own or as a representative of an organization.

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How can I learn more about Christian Nationalism?

A Colorado Connection

Rob Rogers, a resident of Colorado Springs and a parent in Academy District 20, has been researching Christian Nationalism for a decade or more. Professionally, he’s a consultant specializing in lean and agile technology change. Rob also produces informative TikTok videos diving into this topic that many people in our network recommend. They are short enough to absorb without being too overwhelming, yet filled with enough details to come away feeling more aware and informed. Rob’s approach is direct and authentic. He gets to the point while making important connections. Check out Rob on TikTok. You can find him as “electrobrogers”. A good place to start is his playlist called “Seven Mountains.” Rob is also active in the El Paso County Democratic Party and local school board elections.

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